About Us |
History The Capital Quilters Guild held its first meeting in April 1978, was incorporated in July of 1979, and officially became a non-profit organization in May of 1984. Mission Our purpose is to promote and perpetuate the art of quilting by teaching and sponsoring events. The guild is designed to benefit and educate all persons interested in preserving, continuing and advancing this art. |
Meetings 3rd Thursday of each month, unless otherwise announced: 6:30pm - Social time begins 7:00pm - Meetings begin Meeting Place:
Congregational Hall |
2024-2025 CQG Board and Committee Chairs
President - Ann O'Brien - president@capitalquilters.org
Vice President – Katie Greenwood - information@capitalquilters.org
Secretary – Susan Sykes - information@capitalquilters.org
Treasurer - Brenda Keely - cqg_treasurer@yahoo.com
Newsletter - Laura Nelson & Nancy Schanz - newsletter@capitalquilters.org
Membership – Carole Kinnamont - membership@capitalquilters.org
Workshops - Anne Gavin - workshops@capitalquilters.org
Outreach and Comfort Quilts – Vera Beers - information@capitalquilters.org
Fundraising - Open - information@capitalquilters.org
Members at Large - Jan Chvatal and JC Tang - information@capitalquilters.org
Quilt Show - Ginny Nugent & Kelly Wyatt - quiltshowchair@capitalquilters.org
Greeter –Shawna Chase & Sharon Dvorak
Librarian – Clark Vincent & Alma Mellish - information@capitalquilters.org
Social – Open
Sunshine & Shadows – Sally McLaurin - information@capitalquilters.org
Secret Sewciety- Maria Kleinman & Irene Thomas - information@capitalquilters.org
Holiday Blocks –Katie Mistele & Maria Wall - information@capitalquilters.org
Block Party – Rosi Hanley - BlockParty@capitalquilters.org
Bee Keeper – Open
Quilts for Kids - Linda Carter & Marilyn Murray - outreach@capitalquilters.org
Safechild - Jan Jarrett - outreach@capitalquilters.org
Quilts on Wheels – Karen Wahle & Cyndi Schmidt - outreach@capitalquilters.org