2016 NC Quilt Symposium

In Progress! Official Information about the 2016 Quilt Symposium

Capital Quilters is proud to host the 2016 North Carolina Quilt Symposium from June 2 – 5, 2016 at William Peace University.

We’re still in the planning stage for this event. Look for updates, teacher announcements, and registration information on this page as we get closer to the event. If you have suggestions, questions, or are interested in teaching, please email us at symposium@capitalquilters.org.


If you are interested in being a vendor at our quilt show in 2016, please contact Connie Upshaw at csupshaw@aol.com.


The theme for the 2016 North Carolina Quilt Symposium is “Quilting with the Stars”.   Below you see a picture of the Quilting with the Stars Raffle Quilt designed by Kim Zebrowski.

Here is our Star-studded list of teachers under contract for our event.

(Links to Teacher websites will open in a new window.)
Charlotte Angotti, www.quiltmakersstudio.com

Charlotte’s life was changed in 1977 when she walked into a quilt store with her mother. Since then, she has owned a shop herself as well as teaching internationally. She is known for her humor, her way with color and fabric, and her passion for teaching others to enjoy quilt making as much as she does.

Esterita Austin, www.esteritaaustin.com

Esterita Austin is a fiber artist who grew the seed of a concept into bold design themes. Follow Esterita as she takes you along the pathway to constructing dramatic and inspiring fabric compositions.

Debbie Caffrey, www.debbiescreativemoments.com

Debbie has designed and published over 150 patterns in an ever-changing line of mystery quilt series. She has taught many energy-filled workshops nationally as well as internationally.

Nancy Chong, www.prqc.com

Nancy specializes in stress free needleturn appliqué. She puts her students directly in touch with their needle, thread and fabric. Let her show you how incredibly easy appliqué is without the use of freezer paper, toothpicks, starch, cardboard, plastic, ironing, or interfacing – all things that needlessly complicate what is otherwise a very simple process.

Augusta Cole, www.augustacolequilting.com

Augusta Cole, also known as the “Scrappy Lady”began her quilting career in North Carolina 35 years ago.  Her workshops are known for her “snappy scrappy” style.  Her love of teaching and traveling is obvious from her busy schedule.

Pepper Cory, www.peppercory.com

“I have been a quiltmaker since 1972 when I saw an antique quilt at a rummage sale, purchased it for $1.00, and on the way home fell in love!  From that moment I wanted to learn to make quilts and sought out quiltmakers, usually elderly ladies, who could teach me the art.  Ever since I’ve been collecting quilts, making quilts myself, writing books about them, designing needlework tools, and sharing my love of quilting by teaching and lecturing.”

Mickey Depre – Contract PENDING, www.mdquilts.com

Mickey’s quilts have been described as whirlwinds of color, with oranges residing next to purples of all shades in harmony. Dots, swirls, and stripes intermingle with florals and prints in an outlandish yet exciting visual parade.

Her work mixes traditional quilting techniques with bold, innovative machine appliqué and thread work. Fabric choices include my own hand dyed cotton with commercial cottons for a special spark of color and depth. Pieces are heavily machine quilted.

Karen Eckmeier, kareneckmeier.com

Karen has always felt the need to create, and considers herself a “serious doodler”. Now she loves doodling with fabric, creating gorgeous landscapes and fabulous curve-pieced quilts.

Beth Ferrier, www.applewd.com

Beth is a highly experienced quilter who has a gift for teaching. She offers fun and informative classes and seminars for beginner and experienced quilters. Her original patterns are available in quilt shops around the world.

Harriet Hargrave, www.harriethargrave.com

Harriet comes from a family of quilters. Her mother tried to teach Harriet to hand quilt in the early 1970s, but to no avail. Harriet mastered machine embroidery in the mid-1970s and adapted machine quilting from those skils. She was machine quilting when the local quilt guilds in Colorado thought machine piecing was not “real quilting”, let alone machine quilting.

Deb Karasik, www.debkarasik.com

Based in Durham, North Carolina, Deb is quilting, teaching and writing professionally, and her travels take her worldwide to share her passion for contemporary quilting, meeting new people, and sharing her knowledge with quilters everywhere.

Lyric Kinard, www.lyrickinard.com

Lyric Kinard is an award winning artist, author and educator with a passion for sparking creativity in her students. She was recognized as the 2011 International Association of Professional Quilters Teacher of the Year. Lyric continues to expand her skills in the area of surface design.

Mary Ellen Krantz, www.quiltingimages.com

Mary Ellen is a quiltmaker, teacher and author who shares her knowledge of how to combine quilting, digital photography, and computer software with her students. Mary Ellen’s classes provide an opportunity to try out these tools and the latest quilting software under the guidance of a creative and patient teacher.

Debbie Maddy, www.calicocarriage.com

Debbie’s love of fabric, sewing and quilters has earned her a nomination for “Teacher of the Year” by the International Association of Quilting Professionals. Using Debbie’s simple and accurate piecing techniques, novice and experienced quilters alike will confidently make beautiful, fast, and striking quilts.

Nancy Prince, www.nancyprince.com

Nancy, an award winning quilt artist from Orlando, Florida, specializes in thread painting. Her anyone-can-do-it approach to thread painting is fun, easy and a new way for quilters to broaden their quilting experience.

Joan Shay, www.petalplay.com

Joan was taught to sew by her grandmother and has been quilting and teaching for a long time. She is best known for her three dimensional patterns and life-like quilt designs. She says she “never enjoyed gardening,” but her beautiful flower patterns allow her to have a “weed-free garden that blooms all year!”

Katrina Thomas, www.thehopechestquilting.com

Katrina started her quilting career in 1996 when someone asked her to teach a quilting class. She was hooked from the start and began teaching from her home studio in Pleasant Valley, NY. In 2014, she became a Certified Instructor for Studio 180 Designs. She is known for her miniature patterns that use the Studio 180 rulers and techniques. Published in Fons & Porter Scrap Edition, Summer 2015.

Deb Tucker, www.studio180design.net

Deb is a quilter, educator and the “Creative Kingpin” of Studio 180 Design. After teaching for over twenty years she began looking for easier ways to produce accurate piecing. These searches led her to the creation of the Rapid Fire line of tools. More tools followed and in 2008, Studio 180 Design opened its doors. Join Deb as she shows you how to make you quilting life easier.

Molly Waddell, www.mollywaddell.com

Molly became a quilter after she won a raffle quilt from her local quilt guild; she joined the guild and the rest is history! She has explored most facets of quilting, including teaching and judging. Her beautiful landscapes and innovative traditional piecing speak to her expertise.

Jamie Wallen, www.jamiewallenworkshops.com

After a Longarm purchase in the late nineties, Jamie began to develop his own unique style of quilting and soon was sharing and teaching his style with others. Home base for Jaime is Michigan City, Indiana, where he is pursuing his art, filming instructional videos, hand dyeing, quilting, and teaching workshops. Jamie’s classes apply to all levels of Long-arm, Mid-arm, Short-arm, Domestic machines and Hand Quilters.

Mary Zesiger, www.maryzesiger.com

Mary has been quilting seriously since 1980. She has been a member of the National Quilting Association since 1987 and became an NQA Certified Teacher in 1991. She enjoys the challenge of competing in quilting on a local, regional, national, and international level. Her work has traveled the country, been exhibited in many quilt shows and seen in various quilting publications.

Raffle Quilt

Days until 2016 NC Quilt Symposium








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Capital Quilters Guild would like to thank local businesses for their support.