September 2014 Block Party Pattern

Create a Spooky House in time for Halloween

This month we will make Halloween Houses.

Want a downloadable .pdf? Get it here!

You can either follow my pattern for a house, or use one that you happen to have. The block will finish at 12 inches (unfinished at 12 ½ inches).

  1. Cut one 7 ½ inch square from the Halloween fabric provided by block party for the house base
  2. Cut one 3 ½ inch square from the black fabric provided by block party for center of the roof.
  3. Cut one 4 inch square from the black fabric provided by block party for the 2 half-square triangles for the sloped part of the roof.
  4. Cut one 4 inch square from your background for the 2 half-square triangles for the sloped part of the roof.
  5. Cut one 2 ½ X 12 ½ inch piece of background for the sky.
  6. Cut two 3 X 7 ½ inch pieces of background for the side yards.
  7. Cut two 2 X 3 ½ inch pieces of background for the sky sides.

Make the half-square triangles first

  • Place the background 4 inch square right sides together with the 4 inch black square.
  • Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the background fabric (solid line in diagram 1).
  • Sew 1/4 inch from each side of the drawn line (dotted lines in diagram 1 ).
  • Cut the squares apart on the drawn line to get 2 half-square triangles.
  • Press the seams towards the black fabric.
  • Trim resulting squares to 3 ½ inches.




Sew the blocks together with a 1/4 inch seam for a block measuring 12 1/2 inches.

Please do not square up your block.

Turn in your block and your name on a small piece of paper in at the October meeting for the drawing. Good Luck!  

Want a downloadable .pdf? Get it here!  

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